Writing Space’s Writer-in-Residence program offers artists and designers dedicated time to develop and receive feedback on a writing project.
The project may take any form, including creative, critical, or history.
Residencies typically last four months.
The current term runs September-December 2024.
To apply for the Summer (May-August) 2025 term, click here.
Veronica Graham
is a visual artist specializing in digital media and print publishing, focusing on poetic world-building through artifacts and interactive experiences. Since 2020, she has lectured on art and emerging technologies at Stanford University.
During the residency, Graham will focus on developing the script for Prop Comic, an interactive film that reimagines the classic Popeye comic strip with a feminist twist. The project follows Olive Oyl’s journey in an alternate world without Popeye, where she is manipulated by a myopic Creator and navigates a hidden structure connecting her to animated toys and lurking henchmen. The audience will shape the humor by influencing the jokes, engaging with physical comedy, cartoon-style gags, and spontaneous moments within a 3D, interactive environment.
Cover for the Prop Comic newsprint publication, 17.5 x 22.75 inches, 20 pages, 2024
Katz Tepper
is an interdisciplinary artist who recently relocated to Chicago, after living and working the last thirteen years in Florida and Georgia. Tepper’s practice sifts and shifts through questions of how disability and transness blur distinctions between art and life, between sculpture and body, between survival and poetry.
During this residency, Katz will be developing their in-progress essay, “Stupid Stupid Unsubtle Stupid,” which draws from autotheory, prose poetry, stand up comedy, and performance to illuminate a web of associations and critical questions emerging from the true story of the writer’s bathtub filling with feces. Indeed, Katz’s bathtub filled with their feces as they scrambled to an unpaid Zoom meeting with a man at an institution to present a slideshow about chronic illness and the aesthetics of survival, which is to say, the crisis preceded the flood. “Stupid Stupid Unsubtle Stupid” writes into the feces-filled-bathtub event to consider disability’s capacity to rupture the everyday, and in so doing, to gesture toward an otherwise.
Installation view from Roasted Cockroach for Scale, Lauren Gitlen, NY, 2023. The image shows a video projected in a room carpeted in industrial grey, with large grey pillows arranged on the floor and a person reclining. The video projection shows an image of a journal with scribbled handwriting, magnified at a larger than life scale.