The Design Writing Fellowship

The Application Process

Program Overview


Information about Past Fellowships - 2022, 2023, 2024

The Application Process

Applications for the 2025 Design Writing Fellowship are now closed.

Fellows commit to working on a writing project with help from facilitators in one of the following three areas: Reviews, Articles, or Books. In addition to working on a project independently, the Fellowship includes a three-day, intensive virtual workshop during which participants learn about different modes of publishing, practice different writing strategies, and are introduced to editors. All Fellows must participate in the Design Writing Fellowship Program Workshop, which will be held virtually and synchronously over the course of three days on May 28th, 29th, and 30th.

There is no fee to apply for the Design Writing Fellowship, however there is a $500 fee to participate in it. A formal letter of acceptance will be provided so attendees can apply for funds from their home institutions and pay the workshop fee to reserve their place.

To Apply

Applicants must choose one of three tracks listed below. All applicants are required to provide:

  • a CV

  • a 200-400 word narrative explaining how writing fits into the trajectory of their research/scholarship and why they want to participate in the fellowship

Each track has its own additional application requirements. Submit applications using our convenient online forms (links below).



Track 1: Reviews

This track allows applicants who do not have a project in process to take part in the fellowship and benefit from the experience of workshop facilitators as well as fellow participants. Once accepted, participants will choose an exhibition or book to review. The goal of this track is to publish finalized reviews in an academic journal. Participants on this track will complete a draft of their review prior to arriving at the workshop but do not need to have a review started in order to apply for the Fellowship.

Along with other application materials, applicants for this track should submit:

  • a 200-400 word writing sample or, if you do not have a sample, an expanded narrative describing how you want writing to fit into your creative practice
    or how it already aligns with your research

Track 2: Articles

This track is open to applicants who have already begun work on an article for publication in an academic or trade journal. The goal of this track is to revise an article manuscript for submission to an academic or trade journal. During the Fellowship Workshop, participants in this track will receive feedback from facilitators as well as fellow participants, and develop strategies for further revising their manuscripts for publication.

Along with other application materials, applicants for this track should submit:

  • an article abstract (no more than 300 words) that addresses the article’s topic, claim, and significance for the field

  • a list of three possible venues for publication (noting each publication’s specifications for article length and citation style)

  • a manuscript draft, or some early writing towards a draft

    **Applicants who submit full drafts are given preference. Those who choose to submit the latter will, if accepted, be expected to submit a complete draft of the article by mid-spring; participation in the fellowship will be contingent upon submission of this full draft.

Track 3: Books

This track is open to applicants who have already begun work to conceive a book project for publication by an academic or trade press. The goal of this track is to finalize a book proposal for submission to an academic or trade press. During the Fellowship Workshop participants in the book group will receive feedback from facilitators, as well as fellow participants, and will learn about the various steps needed to complete a book project and submit a proposal to a press for publication.

Along with other application materials, applicants for this track should submit:

  • a book proposal that follows the format of this template (if applicants are working from a specific press’s proposal template, that is also fine)

  • a minimum 2000-word writing sample consisting of content from one or more chapters