The Design Writing Fellowship


Information about Past Fellowships - 2022, 2023

Who should apply to the Design Writing Fellowship?

Design Writing Fellowships are open to full-time and contingent faculty in one or more of the following areas: graphic design, information design, branding, marketing, advertising, typography, web, interaction, film and video, animation, illustration, and game design.

Are graduate students eligible to participate in the Fellowship?

At this time, the Design Writing Fellowship does not accept graduate students into the program. If you have questions about your eligibility to participate, please contact fellowship organizers Aaris Sherin and Maggie Taft.

When can I apply?

Applications open on October 2, 2023. The deadline to apply is December 1, 2023.

When will I be notified if I have been accepted to the fellowship?

You will be notified in January 2024.

Must all Fellows attend the three-day virtual workshop?

Yes. Attending the workshop is required.

How many Fellows will there be?

We expect to accept approximately 10-12 Fellows.

Does everyone who applies get accepted?

No. The Design Writing Fellowship is competitive.

How are applications judged?

All applications are carefully reviewed. Preference is given to applicants whose narrative of intent makes a strong case for the role of writing in their scholarship and/or to applicants who already have an article or book manuscript in process. We also strive for a balance between applicants working on reviews, articles, and books.

What is the most common reason why applications are not accepted?

The most common reason for an application not to be accepted is that it is incomplete or the applicant has not followed directions. A greater number of people also apply for the reviews track and we are not able to accommodate all applicants.

How much does it cost to participate in the Fellowship?

It costs $500 to participate in the Fellowship.

Is there any funding for fellows?

No. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any funding at this time. We are happy to provide documentation of acceptance so you can request funding from your own institution.

Why is there a fee to attend the Fellowship Workshop?

Participant fees go to offset costs associated with producing the workshop. Fees are assessed yearly and may be adjusted as costs increase.

Is one track more competitive than the others?

Yes. We expect the most applicants for the reviews track and we have limited space so it is more competitive than the article or book track.

If I don’t get accepted, can I apply again in the future?

Yes, absolutely!

What if I’m working on a collaborative project? Can my collaborator and I both participate in the workshop?

Yes! The Design Writing Fellowship welcomes collaborators to participate in the Fellowship either individually or together.

What if I have a project that doesn’t fit into the categories outlined on the application page?

Most Fellowship participants work on reviews, articles, or book proposals, however exceptions may be made. If you are interested in applying with a project other than a review, article, or book proposal, please contact fellowship organizers Aaris Sherin and Maggie Taft.

I am working on an article/book but don’t have enough completed to fulfill the requirements listed on the application page. Can I still apply for the Fellowship?

Yes, in some instances fellows are accepted on a contingency basis. In these instances, it is best to contact fellowship organizers Aaris Sherin and Maggie Taft to discuss the specifics of your situation.

Must accepted Fellows do any work prior to coming to the Fellowship Workshop?

Yes. Fellows accepted to the reviews group will have to write their review of a book or exhibition and read the reviews written by other members of their group. Fellows in the article and book proposal groups will need to read the work of the other members of their group before arriving at the workshop.

What is the relationship between the Design Writing Fellowship and the Fellowship Program at Design Incubation (DI)?

The Design Writing Fellowship ran as the DI Fellowship from 2016 to 2021. Aaris Sherin, who directed the DI Fellowship, continues to co-lead the Design Writing Fellowship.